Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some info on the supplements I have been taking so far

One of the main reasons I decided to become a COACH for Beachbody was to get a sweet discount on the products they offer. Who doesn't love to save some money on things you were already buying anyway right?

Beachbody has this product called Shakeology. Basically it is the healthiest protein shake I have ever tried. Not only does it taste pretty damn good (trust me, I have tried a TON of protein shakes out there) but it isn't just your average protein shake either. This thing packs MORE then your daily recommended does of fruits and veggies, fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein and pro biotics all in one serving! Lets face it, almost none of us eat enough veggies on a daily basis. This is the easiest, cheapest and healthiest way of doing that out there!

I have been drinking the shake as a lunch meal replacement for the last 30 days. So far I have lost 4 pounds, I am not bloated at all which means my tummy is super flat and that's always a plus, I have really good focus and energy all day and I also hope to get my blood tests back saying my cholesterol is great! Oh yeah, that's another thing this shake does, in 90 day studies some participants cholesterol went down significantly.

I also have been taking Beachbody's multi-vitamins. Everyone should be taking vitamins every day in addition to their fitness and nutrition plans. AND DON"T FORGET TO DRINK WATER!

If anyone wants more info, let me know and I will certainly oblige :)

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