Wednesday, May 28, 2014

9 Reasons You Aren't Getting Enough Sleep

So I know I have terrible sleeping patterns. It sucks. My day starts at 5:30 AM, I'm off work by 2 PM, home by 3 PM then probably at the store, cleaning or going back to the gym before I come home to start making dinner so it's ready when the hubby gets home by 8. So then we eat, hang out, relax, talk about our days etc and suddenly it's 11 PM and I should have been asleep two hours ago! Both he and I try our hardest to get to bed by a decent hour but then we wouldn't get to spend that precious time together before we have to do it all over again. :) 

There are some things we had been doing that also hindered our sleep when we finally did stumble up to bed. I am totally guilty of a few of these but making a conscious effort to change those habits. Not only do they effect my normal day to day activities but also greatly effect my workouts, the food choices I make, how I interact with people and how I interact with myself.

 I read a study the other day that just one day of bad sleep can cause you to show signs of depression. Just one day and everything is out of whack! So imagine what days, weeks or months of bad or not enough sleep will do to your mental and physical health.


There are many important reasons to get enough sleep every night; not only does sleep help keep you slim, but it also helps reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. If you can't get enough healthy shut-eye every night, one of these habits could be the culprit.

  1. You go to bed with your electronics: Catching up on Facebook or scrolling through Pinterest on your iPad will trick your brain into thinking it's still day, which can disrupt your body's circadian rhythm. Help yourself wind down by shutting off your electronics at least 20 minutes before bed.
  2. You haven't upgraded: An old, lumpy mattress or dust-mite-filled pillow can turn your nights into restless hours up with a sore back or a stuffy nose. Replace your pillows every year (here are some tips on picking the right one) and replace old, worn mattresses when they've reached the end of their life cycle.
  3. You ate too late: Making a habit of late-night eating can cause digestion issues that keep you up at night. Opt for an earlier, lighter dinner if possible if you notice heartburn or other digestive distress at bedtime.
  4. You choose the wrong drink: That afternoon pick-me-up or evening nightcap may now be the reason why you can't drift off to sleep. Keep track of your insomnia trigger, whether it's caffeine, alcohol, or sugary drinks, and limit those as much as possible for a good night's sleep.
  5. You don't turn off: Constantly worrying, thinking about your to-do list, or cataloging the chores you need to do can keep you from drifting off to sleep. Keep a journal by your bed so you can jot down ideas and to-dos, and shut your mind off.
  6. You're a fan of naps: A midday or postwork nap on the couch can make it hard to get to sleep when it's primetime. If you think your naps are disrupting your sleep, try and save your Z's and get back on schedule.
  7. Your bedroom isn't a sanctuary: Loud street noises, computers on and humming, pets taking over your bed — all these distractions can make you drift in and out of a deep sleep so you feel groggy in the morning. Keep your TV, work, and other distractions out of your bedroom, and try to maintain an uncluttered, cool temperature bedroom with these bedroom makeover tips.
  8. You have too much energy: Exercise helps burn up energy you have during the day so that you go to sleep fast once you hit the hay. Maintain a regular workout schedule during the week so you're ready for sleep once night falls.
  9. You don't wind down: A good book, a mug of herbal tea, and a de-stressing yoga routine — having a bedtime relaxing routine will help you prep for bed and relieve stress and anxiety.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cardio vs Weight Training: Which one is better for losing weight?

So in my last blog post I talked about my newest endeavour with slow motion strength training. Which I love by the way. I have incorporated doing this super intense short workout twice a week into my routine and i am seeing super positive changes. My hubby also is doing this twice a week and is seeing gains after only 1 month. Pretty awesome stuff. 
While I am a now an advocate for incorporating this kind of work into my routines, I also am an advocate for just getting up and moving! I had a client ask me yesterday if it was OK if she did cardio or one of her classes she enjoyed so much on the days she didn't come work with me at the studio.
My answer to her was "of course!" I told her to listen to her body, make sure she was eating enough to support her level of activity, make sure she gets plenty of rest and to just be aware of how she is feeling. I told her that if she enjoyed her classes, enjoyed her walks, jogs, whatever then yes to absolutely continue with those activities, because they are fun and fun things get you excited about life. Fun things give your mind a chance to relax and enjoy your surroundings. Fun things give you something to look forward to.
Now, just to be clear, I am not an advocate for just weights or just cardio or just diet. All of these things need to come together to get your body to perform at peak level. For her specific goals, she has a tiny bit of belly that she is hoping to get rid of. Well boys and girls, guess what? ABS are made in the kitchen! You can do all the workouts you want, but if you are feeding your body crap, then you will feel like crap. Plain and simple. 
This brings me to today's topic. I found a great article from a Beachbody forum that pretty much sums it all up. 

If you're looking to lose weight, you might be wondering: Should I focus on doing cardio or should I weight train? The answer, for those of you not interested in hanging around for the "why" part of the answer, is both. What matters most is the way you train, the system you train under, and your lifestyle.
The cardio vs. weight lifting question stems from the days when "cardio" usually meant going to a low-level aerobic class and "weight lifting" meant spending a couple of hours in the “free weight room,” chatting with your buddies between attempts at "out-benching" each other.
These days, most workout programs incorporate both, often during the same workout. Most "cardio" work has an element of resistance training, either in the form of added weight or plyometric movements, while most "weight lifting" work has a cardio element because it's done in circuits.
There are two myths inherent in this age-old question. The first is that weight training will make you bulky. The second is that cardio doesn't build muscle. Let's dispel these once and for all.

Myth 1: Weight Training Will Make You Bulky

Gaining bulk is hard. I wish I had a nickel for every time I've seen a hardcore gym rat who's been lifting for months, desperate for a few pounds of lean muscle mass, blow his stack when he hears a woman say, "Weight training will make me bulky."
It takes a ton of energy for your body to add muscle. During the initial stages of any kind of intense training, especially one you're not used to, your body releases excess amounts of the hormone cortisol, which causes your body to retain water. Some people think this means they are bulking up when, in reality, it's just the body adapting to the training. It happens whether you are trying to gain or lose weight and has nothing to do with gaining actual muscle mass. Once your body adapts to the new training, the cortisol release ceases and your body flushes the excess water.

Myth 2: Cardio Doesn't Build Muscle

This second myth is trickier. Low-level, steady-state aerobic training will atrophy muscle, so it can be true. But "cardio" hasn't meant aerobic zone training since Richard Simmons' heyday in the 80s. Cardio is a catchall term for any training that elevates your heart rate for the entire workout. These days, since almost all weight training is done circuit style, your heart rate remains elevated during both cardio and weight training workouts. Modern cardio training is almost always an offshoot of interval training, which means it's a mix of aerobic and anaerobic training. And this builds muscle.

What Is the Best Way to Lose Weight?

The best way to lose weight is to follow a solid training system that targets weight loss. A system takes into account your entire lifestyle, workout, diet, sleep, and supplements. Why? Because all of these things affect your body's ability to change.
The key to weight loss is to change your metabolism. While it's easier to alter your metabolism through weight training than cardio, both will do it if the workouts are well designed. The word you're looking for to make this happen is intensity. By that, I mean you need to force your body to work in the anaerobic realm. Because your body depends on air to live, forcing it beyond its ability to breathe causes it to release performance-enhancing hormones to survive. When done consistently, these hormones change your metabolism.
Of course, you'll die if you stay in the anaerobic zone for too long, which is why you only do anaerobic work in short intervals. In between these intervals, your heart is working out aerobically to recovery. As long as the breaks between your anaerobic sets are strategic, you get a powerful cardio workout during every anaerobic workout. For example: circuit weight training—consisting of many sets to failure, with short breaks—is not only a great anaerobic weight training workout, but also a very effective workout for your cardiovascular system as well.
The next factor when it comes to boosting your metabolism and losing weight is recovering properly between workouts. This is why having a system is so important. Intense anaerobic training is stressful for your body. You need this stress to change your hormone balance, but if you overstress yourself, it will lead to problems in the form of overreaching and, if you do it too long, overtraining (both responsible for maladies from lack of results to injury or illness). A proper exercise program takes this into account by scheduling different styles of workouts next to each other to create a balance between intensity and recovery.
Your nutrition and lifestyle are very important for proper recovery. The better you eat, the faster you recover. Ditto for sleep. (I don't care how many episodes of Game of Thrones you need to catch up on.) Sleep is when your body produces its natural PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs). So get your shuteye!

To recap, whether your exercise routine is focused on cardio or weight training has very little to do with whether you'll lose weight. The best training programs have elements of both aerobic and anaerobic training and the important factors for weight loss are: pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone (aka intensity), eating enough to recover (but not too much), and resting enough between your workouts. Balance these factors correctly and your metabolism will shift and the pounds will melt away.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What is Super Slow?

In case you haven't noticed, I have decided to turn my passion for health and fitness into a full time career. I'm super stoked, excited and nervous all at the same time. Change is hard. Change is good. We need change to grow and become the best versions of ourselves we can be. But that doesn't make it any less scary. Good thing I have an awesome support system and a ton of peeps that believe in me and want to see me succeed. You know how you are, you beautiful people, you!

Anyway, since embarking on this new and crazy endeavor, I have just recently passed my certification process with The Perfect Workout. My new work family specializes in Slow Motion strength training. This is something I have used in my own personal training at times but I had never actually heard of this philosophy until I went to their hiring seminar. Let me say, it's pretty awesome. It gives your body a workout that you have never experienced before. 

What I love most about it, is that anyone can do it and I mean anyone. I have watched a 80 year old grandma in the studio that could leg press more weight with more control than I do. Talk about motivating! It is ultimately the safest form of weight training you can do because it takes all the momentum and force out of the equation. What I also love about it is that I can help people who have never lifted a weight in their life get healthy and strong as well as teaching people who are very fit already some new tricks. 

Try it at home. Do 5 standard push-ups. Right now. DO THEM!!! Now do 5 push-ups with a 10 second up and a 10 second down. A lot harder huh? This is the foundation for Super Slow. It is a 10 second lifting phase with a 10 second lowering phase. This greatly fatigues your muscles in a way that you probably aren't used to doing. Because you are never unloading at the bottom (resting the weight stack before you push back out) you fatigue very quickly. One of the other things taught is to breathe excessively and never holding your breath when the work gets hard. By doing this and moving from one exercise to another without much rest in between, you can get in and out in 20-30 minutes and you also get a pretty good cardiovascular workout without even knowing it. Pretty neat stuff huh? 

But you know me, I am a huge advocate for fitness in general. I get excited when I find new things to try especially when I can see the benefits it can have for so many people! Young, old, fit, new to exercise, people with injuries new and past, etc. the list goes on. Of course the key to any long lasting fitness program is really to find something you really enjoy as well as good nutrition. (You have heard me say it before, your diet is 80% of this whole thing!) And also make sure anytime you are performing any kind of activity especially with weights that you are using proper form. If you don't know, ask someone or research it yourself. I don't know how many times I have YouTube'd an exercise I have never heard of when starting a new program. There is so much material out there so there is no reason for anyone to hurt themselves!

So in conclusion, today is your day! Go out and do something new, make a new healthy recipe for your family (my fave blogger and food guru is, try a new workout, find a new trail to hike, get motivated!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tips on Becoming a Morning Person

Long time, no write!! It has been way too long since I have found some interesting articles to post. Wow, I suck at blogging LOL

So I have never been a huge morning person but I have noticed over the last few months, that I actually don't mind it as much as I used to. And that got me thinking about why. I am absolutely certain that it helps that I am back to working out like normal, the food intake (I hate calling it a diet, because it isn't, it's the lifestyle!) and getting quality sleep. Which is why this article I found from made sense :)


If there's no spring in your step first thing in the morning, the rest of the day can be an uphill battle. Those who roll instead of jump out of bed will immediately assume a lumpy mattress and flat pillow are to blame. While a decent mattress and comfortable pillow are integral for feeling rested and refreshed, the foods you eat, the amount of exercise you do and the workings of your internal clock can all contribute to a lack of healthy Zs and a permanent bad mood first thing in the morning.

If you are constantly waking up on the wrong side of the bed, the following tips can help you become a happy and healthy morning person.

Sleep on It

Is sleep a priority to you? If you answered no, then don't fret-you're not alone. A large percentage of the population put sleep at the bottom of their nightly to-do list, placing just about every other chore ahead of getting forty winks. Contrary to public opinion, sleep is a necessity and not a luxury. If you aren't getting at least six to eight hours of sleep every night, you run the risk of suffering from depleted energy levels, lack of motivation and concentration, mood swings, anxiety, drowsiness and the list goes on.

Making sleeping a priority is the easiest way to kick-start a healthier lifestyle that will reward you by infusing that little bit of extra energy needed to rise and shine first thing in the morning.

Pack on the Protein

Coffee and a stick of sugar-free gum is not an adequate breakfast to sustain you throughout the day. Turns out the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is 100 pretty accurate. Remember that after waking from an eight-hour slumber, your metabolism and blood sugar levels are going to be at their lowest, so without a hefty helping of beneficial nutrients, such as protein, immediately after waking, your body will run out of fuel very quickly.

Exercise those Endorphin's

Adopting a morning exercise routine will reap more benefits than simply getting your daily exercise out of the way. Getting up and active first thing in the morning will kick your metabolism into gear, and keep it working for at least 12 hours following a morning walk run or cycle, which means that your body is working overtime to eliminate those unwanted fat stores.

You might be wondering what this has to do with being a morning person. If you are not used to exercising early in the morning you are likely to find this routine somewhat tedious, but trust us, a few days into this new routine and you'll be benefiting from happy exercise endorphins, and you will have adopted a new-found love of springing out of bed to get going with your morning exercises.

Battle of the Body Clock

If even the incessantly loud bleeping of your alarm doesn't get you up and out of bed in the morning, you may be suffering from sleep inertia. Sleep inertia occurs when the body's deepest sleep cycle is interrupted, usually by the sound of an alarm, resulting in extreme grogginess, often compared to having a hangover.

Most people don't realize that their body's circadian rhythms-the natural sleep/wake cycle-are ultra sensitive, and can be thrown off by the slightest disruption, such as not getting enough sleep every night or having one restless night. Keep your circadian rhythms in check to avoid bleary eyes in the morning by encouraging healthy sleeping patterns. Ways to do this include: cutting out caffeine several hours before bedtime, avoiding an afternoon nap, exercising in the morning instead of the afternoon, and maintaining a diligent sleeping routine.

Being grumpy first thing in the morning is no fun for anyone, and definitely not the makings of a healthy and rewarding lifestyle. There's no time like the present to get your body and mind back on track so you can benefit from restful nights and energy-packed days.