It has been one crazy filled year I can say that! Well, no more procrastinating and NO MORE EXCUSES!
So last year as I had mentioned before, I had that terrible back injury. I can say with much relief that I pushed through and came out victorious. I am about 99.9% healed!
With that said, I have been working really hard and have for sure had some ups and downs, highs and lows with life, work, my workouts, diet etc.
I always love the beginning of new months because it forces me to get back on track, re evaluate my goals and make changes and better choices. So that's exactly what I plan on doing! It is time to start new and keep accountable again. Just in time for the holidays right?? LOL!
I am giving myself a great goal and this article that I found might just play into it. I have wanted to do a Tough Mudder for the longest time but that dream was put to the side when I had my injury. Now that I am almost 100%, I have decided to do my first one in March of next year! Plenty of time to train and get into beast mode!
Since I have been able to start running again, a lot of articles about reverse running have caught my eye. I have yet to try it but I think I might have to. What do you guys think?
Backward running also called retro running or retro locomotion is considered more effective than forward running. The benefits of reverse running are numerous: it burns more calories than forward running. Reverse running can help with hamstring related injuries or aching knees. Reverse running strengthens quadriceps, oblique, calves, shins and back muscles.
It is said that taking 100 steps backward is equivalent to taking 1000 steps forward. Reverse running also promotes a healthier posture alignment, when you run backwards your back remains straight, putting your muscles and spine less at risk.
Reverse Running Benefits
Let’s dig into the core reverse running benefits according to University of Oregon in Biomechanics/Sports Medicine Laboratory:- It gives you a more erect posture.
- Range of motion at the hip joint is reduced with increased flexion and lesser extension.
- Functional active range of motion at knee joints.
- Improvement of muscular balance.
- Due to differences in trunk posture, it is highly recommended for back rehabilitation.
- Recovery from hip joint and hamstring injuries.
- Surgical knee joint rehabilitation.
- Recovery from sprain ankle injuries.
- Recovery from Achilles’ tendon.
Benefits of Reverse Running: Cardiovascular Health
According to Stellenbosch University in South Africa, reverse running technique helps to improve cardiovascular fitness. Backward running required reduced intake of oxygen, which results in increased aerobic fitness and reduction in up to 2.5 percent of body fat.Translates Into Smarter Caloric Burn
Trying to lose pounds? Set your objective to reverse running and achieve a milestone. Running backwards burn 20 percent more calories than forward sprinting. Reverse running benefits you in two ways:(a) You can easily set your daily exercise schedule and burn more number of calories or
(b) You can burn desired number of calories in a less time consuming fitness schedule.
Alleviates Boredom and Weariness
During your regular fitness activity, taking the same run on the track gets tedious. And trust me, when exercise or any other thing starts to bore you, you lose focus, interest and passion for that sport. What can invigorate your daily runs can be a mix of backward running along with forward running. The next time you get up for your run, you will be excited to incorporate this new technique into your old routine, completely boosting your fitness goals.Less Strain on the Knee
In medical conditions such as arthritis, backward running may be the ultimate fitness solution. What differentiates backward running from forward running are the backward steps which result in reduced impact to your knees. In forward running your heel comes in contact with the ground first, generating waves of energy that directly impacts your knees causing the muscles around your knees to swell whereas in reverse running the impact is very low, due to forefront stepping.Balanced Muscle Development
As opposed to forward running, reverse running works on opposite muscular groups of your body. For example take front curls in a bodybuilding workout. What if you did reverse curls too? You can get the same results with reverse running. It helps develop muscle groups which are not regularly exercised.Before trying any of the above, consult a fitness expert or your doctor. Stay safe, happy reverse running!
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